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Birdies Society - Your Golf Society Group
‘Birdies Society’ Team Photo
Society Constitution
1. The society shall be called the "Birdies Golf Society".
2. The objectives of the Society are to:- Foster the interests of its members in golf by arranging a calendar of golf fixtures throughout the year open to all members. Arrange and participate in team matches against other societies and clubs.
3. Prospective members eligible to join the membership of the Birdies Golf Society on payment of subscription of fixed by the Committee.
4. The elected Committee shall include a Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary and Treasurer. The total members of the Committee shall not be more than six , 4 members being a quorum. The Captaincy will be taken each year by the previous years' Vice-Captain. Sub-Committees will be formed from and by the elected Committee. The Committee will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting held in May. The date of the AGM will be fixed by the Committee
5. If the number of the Committee falls below five, the Committee may appoint additional members and they shall hold office until the next General Meeting.
A member shall be deemed to have left the Committee:-
(i) On being absent from three consecutive meetings without good reason.
(ii) In the event of an officer retiring for any reason, a replacement may be elected by means of a postal/electronic vote by the members, without requiring an EGM to implement such a change, provided a quorum as required in rule 8 below is reached.
6. The posting of a suitable notice, 2 weeks in advance shall be considered to be adequate notice to all members of an Annual General Meeting or other General Meetings.
7. The Committee or four members of the Society may call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society on giving 14 days notice to the members specifying the subject of the meeting. The discussions at the meeting shall be strictly limited to that subject.
8. At all General Meetings, the Captain shall take the chair. In his absence the chair will be taken by the Vice-Captain. Four members, including at least one Committee Member shall be a quorum.
9. Alterations, additions and/or deletions to the Society's rules may only be made at a General Meeting, provided that a minimum of 2 weeks notice of such proposed changes to the Current Rules to be issued to members at the time of calling the General Meeting.
10. The Society's operating year shall commence 1 March.
11. Members' tournament and matches will be subsidised to a level recommended and approved by the Committee.
12. The standards of etiquette and rules of golf as determined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews shall hold good, together with such local rules and by-laws applicable to the course played.
13. A President may be elected from the Society membership as recognition of service to the Society. A nomination and majority vote of support at an AGM is required, the term of office to be three years.
14. The Committee have the power to suspend or expel a member for violation of the rules contained herein following a Committee Meeting which the member is invited to attend.
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Upcoming Calendar Event
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Latest 5 Chatter Posts...
Name: Ned Skylark
Date: Tuesday 2nd July 2024 12:00:00 GMT
Going to have a little competition coming up guys, keep an eye on the callendar.
Name: Darren Dove
Date: Saturday 18th May 2024 12:00:00 GMT
Just added the pictures and scores for the Tour De France from last week, have a look in the gallery!
Name: Ned Skylark
Date: Thursday 11th April 2024 12:00:00 GMT
I won't be able to make it to the July 1st tournament, I'm sure you're all happy to hear, gotta give you guys a chance to catch up and win for a change. ^_^
Name: Cock Robin Here
Date: Tuesday 27th February 2024 12:00:00 GMT
You've got a nice pair of legs Dan, but you'll have to learn to use them on land, rather than paddling in the water.
Name: Barry Finch
Date: Wednesday 17th January 2024 12:00:00 GMT
Yet I'm still better in the leaderboards than your are, wonder why that is =P
Most Recent Notice Board Message
Example Notice Board Message
Posted: Tuesday 22nd October 2024 10:21:27 GMT
Notice Board Message:
This is an example notice board, here you can quickly write up news and information for your society, it's a far faster method than creating a calendar date and is ideal for quickly updating your society members.